Today is April 19, 2024 /

Special Yom Kippur Announcements:

Yizkor will be recited at Rollins.

If you are attending the Reform or Family Service and you wish to recite Yizkor, upon conclusion of these services, please proceed to Rollins.  Yizkor will begin after those attending the above services have and wish to recite Yizkor have arrived.    Ushers from each of these services will signal the Rabbi and Bonnie upon their arrival.

Special Study Session at 3:30 pm.

Led by Jeff Lubell, Chair of the Ruach Committee, entitled: “Is this the fast that I desire?”  A call to action in Isaiah 58

In this discussion, we’ll explore the ethical implications of the Yom Kippur Haftorah reading, which calls on Jews to take action to help those who are hungry, oppressed, and homeless.  We’ll discuss the origins of the humanitarian impulse in Judaism, and how we might respond to it in the modern world.